Monday, February 25, 2008

I have a fever & the only prescription is . . .

besides more cowbell I need more MOVIES. Up until a couple of years ago reading books was my #1 vice. I had read every John Grisham and Dan Brown book and a lot of Stephen King books. I was reading more than 2 books a month.

That was until I discovered Netflix and a nifty invention called a DVR. I now watch a lot of movies. In 2006 I saw 238 movies. It was a total of 251 movies in 2007. So far in 2008 I have seen 42 movies. Yes, I keep track of which movies and the number of movies that I see. Don't make fun of me.

Oh, I still read books, but it is only at a rate of one every 2 months or so. I'm trying to create a balance between my movie watching and my book reading. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Of course, I forgot to mention the plethora of TV shows that I watch. Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, Survivor are just a few of the shows that I always DVR the episodes now. I've had to turn some shows away saying, "through Netflix I will catch up on all of the episodes by watching the seasons on DVD". House is one of these shows. I'm crossing my fingers that I will catch up this year.

Now, the latest thing for me is this whole blog thing. The plan is now that I will write movie reviews here. I enjoy discussing movies that I have watched.

So please leave a comment if you agree or disagree with what I write. With the comments we can discuss the films in more detail. Until that starts, bye for now.

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